Pre-K - 8th Grade
Sundays at 10: Sunday School brings God to their level through interactive lessons and a kid-friendly approach to the Gospel.
Fridays at 6:45: Kids get a chance to hang out with their peers while enjoying indoor and outdoor activities in a safe and fun environment.

High School
Wednesdays at 7:30: ReFresh, a weekly Bible Study for high school students, offers lively discussions, meaningful insights, and a chance to grow spiritually as teens explore the Bible together.
Fridays at 6:45: Teen Velocity brings youth together for a time of fun and connection.​​

Young Adult
18 - 30 Year Olds
Monthly: ReFuel is a growing community of young adults learning and pursuing Christ together.

18 and Older
Fridays at 6:45: Our adult group brings people of all ages together through fun activities and fellowship.