first steps course
First Steps is designed to teach the new Christian about Salvation and the next steps to take in their walk with Christ. They are able to ask questions and learn how to read, study, and find answers in the Bible for every area of their life.
We've found that it has also been a great refresher for the older Christian as it strengthens and renews their foundation, refreshing their walk with God.

There is a great need for new Christians to be taught the Word of God on their level of understanding. They have many questions about what Salvation is and what the next steps are after they have asked Jesus into their heart. They need extra time and care, just like a new baby does.
First Steps feeds the new babes the milk of the Word and allows them to grow at their own pace, teaching them the truth from the Word of God and answering their questions. It helps them to build the foundation of their life on Jesus Christ, so the storms of life cannot move them!
How First Steps helps new Christians
Feeds them the pure milk of the Word which they must have to be kept and grow
Teaches them the next steps of going on with God: Water Baptism, Holy Ghost, etc.
Provides a small classroom atmosphere where they feel comfortable and can make friends
Teaches them consistency in coming to class and church services every week
Shows them what their church does and how they can be a part
Teacher Instructions
Lesson Manual
Support Team
Also available in Spanish
My confidence level has grown so that I know that I have something to offer God. Condemnation for past mistakes has been taken out of my mind through these studies. I have learned so much because many of my questions, doubts, etc. have been clearly explained.
I am so glad that I made the decision to take this course. I know beyond a doubt that my foundation as a Christian is stronger!
I have been a [First Steps] teacher for many years and I still stand in awe of how God can change a life; how He can take a life that is so downcast and burdened and raise it out of the ashes of yesterday into a new life of victory and power in the Holy Ghost!
I have seen some people who have been in and out for years, become established and excited about how the Lord has worked for them in the classes.
[First Steps] has made a difference even in our services. People seem more involved and yielding to the Holy Ghost. We have had some of the best services that I've seen anywhere.
For many years I would tell other pastors that one of our greatest problems was that our babes in Christ did not have the proper care... This course helps new converts learn at the right pace and strengthens them as they learn.
For information on how you can get this for YOUR church, fill out the form below